Pantone Keke

What is the Pantone Scene Series? It’s an on-going personal photography project challenging myself to create interesting, weird, and fun aesthetics using Pantone swatch postcards to


Pantone 17-1564 Fiesta (BTS)

What is the Pantone Scene series? It's an on-going personal photography project challenging myself to create interesting, weird, and fun aesthetics using Pantone swatch postcards to

Pantone aej (BTS)

What is the Pantone Scene series? It's an on-going photography project challenging myself to create interesting, weird, and fun aesthetics using Pantone swatch postcards to match

The Pantone Scene Series

Pantone Postcards In the beginning of 2016, after feeling uninspired, I came across a box set of 100 Pantone postcards at Hyatt's Art Supply. It inspired